
 Wolf Hunting on Vancouver Island

Anything you need to know about the best time, places, outfitters, and regulations of Vancouver Island wolf hunting, you can find them here. We are ready to help you make a rewarding BC hunting opportunity.

The content is valid until June 30, 2026.

The Vancouver Island Wolf is a subspecies of the grey wolf, indigenous to the island. These wolves were originally native to the northern regions but are now found throughout Vancouver Island. Some wildlife conservationists advocate for banning wolf hunting by recreational hunters, allowing only indigenous people to hunt wolves. According to the BC Government's hunting and trapping synopsis, wolf harvesting is permitted on Vancouver Island, whether for food or recreation.
Based on the latest data, the exact population of wolves on the island is not specified in the hunting synopsis, but regulated hunting continues to ensure the species does not become endangered. Fortunately, wolf hunting on Vancouver Island has not been entirely prohibited, but hunters, whether indigenous or not, are allowed to hunt a limited number annually. Wolves live in packs of five to twenty members, but hunting entire packs is neither safe nor ethical.
Wolves are apex predators, and conservationists work hard to protect them from overhunting. Their diverse appearances make them a target for some hunters, but conservation values emphasize the importance of preserving these majestic animals.

Wolf Hunting History on Vancouver Island

During the 19th century, wolves were wiped out from Salt Island. Since the early 1970s, the Vancouver Island Wolf has been listed as "Endangered Wildlife in Canada" by the Canadian Wildlife Federation. The population was as low as 36 in 1973 but stabilized by 1976. Since then, regulated wolf harvesting has become part of the island's cultural heritage and a food resource for indigenous people.

Vancouver Island Wolf Hunters

Predator hunting has always been a form of trophy hunting on Vancouver Island. Wolf hunting has a history dating back half a century on the island. Although the meat is generally considered inedible, the fur is valuable for various purposes. Hunters should ensure they have the appropriate licenses and choose a reputable guide outfitter to enhance their hunting experience. Both BC residents and non-residents require a species license for wolf harvesting.

Book Your Guided Wolf Hunting Trip

Reasons to Hunt Wolves on Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island wolves have diverse fur colors, making each hunting experience unique. Hunting these apex predators contributes to managing the island's ecological balance. The primary food sources for these wolves are Roosevelt elk and Black-tailed deer, which also attract hunters looking for bonus game.

Vancouver Island Wolf Hunting Highlights

1. Vancouver Island grey wolves are an endemic species.
2. These wolves are excellent swimmers, often found near coasts.
3. They have various fur colours, including grey, brown, black, and occasionally pure white.
4. The alpha wolf usually leads hunting and movement calls.
5. Pups are born in litters of 5-6 and mature after 2-3 years.
6. The main threats to their population are hunting and habitat destruction, leading to regulated hunting limits.

Where to Hunt Wolf on Vancouver Island?

As already mentioned, wolves live in packs and mostly feed on ungulates (big game). In order to be able to find adequate food and don't enter other packs' territory, every wolf pack should live in a wide range, which on Vancouver Island, they live in smaller ranges than usual. Ungulates mostly live in forested areas to secure themselves and their off-springs from the snow. The predator always stays close to the prey. Therefore, wolves stay near the forested and semi-forested areas for easy hunting. According to TimesColonist, about 70% of the wolves inhabit uninhabited northern coastal portions of the island, which is the best place for hunting this fur-bearing animal. Also, based on the reports, they have been seen on the west coast, Port Renfrew. They were spotted occasionally on the coasts of Vargas Island and Meares Island in Clayoquot Sound and Cape Scott Provincial Park. For now, the management units (MU) or the hunting areas designated by BC regulation for hunting wolves are 1-1 to 1-15 on the region 1 (Vancouver Island) map. By the way, hunters should be aware of no hunting and shooting areas on Vancouver Island.

When to Hunt Wolf on Vancouver Island?

Based on BC Government's hunting and trapping synopsis, open hunting seasons for the wolves on Vancouver Island are Sept 10 to Mar 31 and Apr 1 to Jun 15. Their mating season starts at the beginning of April and ends in the middle of June. Remember! Whether BC resident or not, every hunter has a bag limit of three wolves in a whole year. BC Government should control Vancouver Island wolf hunting to prevent them from becoming scarce.

Protected Areas of Vancouver Island, Based on the BC Act

How to Track a Wolf on Vancouver Island

Wolves are majorly tracker animals, but when it comes to tracking wolves before hunting, especially Vancouver Island wolves, the traditional approach is the answer. It includes setting traps, sedating, and then radio-collaring. First, you can set the trap in their territory. Wolves live in packs; hunting the pack down is neither safe nor ethical, so try to track one individual and set a trap. Afterward (i.e., the wolf fell into the trap), inject the sedative, and finally, you can install your radio collar. But how does a radio collar function? This device can be positively effective in wolf hunting. When you install the collar, you can monitor every single motion the wolf makes. Controlling it from a far distance and tracking every step it takes, you can easily decide when is the best time to hunt the beast!

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Wolf Hunting Methods on Vancouver Island

The main objective of this article is to inform you about everything you must know regarding "legal" wolf hunting on Vancouver Island. Therefore, wolf hunting tactics and methods are introduced based on what the BC Government has presented in their hunting and trapping synopsis. Accordingly, the permitted methods for wolf hunting (region 1) are rifle (centrefire) hunting, shotgun hunting, and bowhunting.

Rifle Hunting

As we all know, rifle hunting is the easiest "noisy" hunting method. You would only need a gun and good aiming, and the rest is done. Try a rifle for wolf hunting to take down the creature by only a single shot; otherwise, you may irritate the rest of the pack.

Shotgun Hunting

The best time for wolf shotgun hunting is when the wolf itself isn't hunting because you will scatter their prey (i.e., Roosevelt elk and Black-tailed deer), and consequently, you will lose your bonus hunting. Although it is noisy, one shot in any organ can take the creature down for sure.

Bow Hunting

The old-school approach. Wolf hunting with a bow needs proficiency! If you're an amateur, you can't take the wolf down, and you may even anger the beast and guide it into attacking you. So, if you're not a professional in bowhunting (or bow hunting), we don't recommend choosing this method.


Currently, a hunter can use traps for wolves and is required, by law, to use only the specific traps included in BC's trapping regulations which have been certified under the Agreement on International Humane (the AIHTS). Applying a killing snare, modified (foot-hold), killing trap, live box trap, and foot snare are possible; however, there are some considerations.


Wolves are among the predators you can call. Knowing the meaning and usage of a call and practicing it would be necessary. You can use recorded or electronic calls. Some hunters make calls with their hands and mouths, and some use store-bought or homemade devices for hunting calls.

Hunting from a Blind

Some ways of hunting from a blind like blinds treestand or ground blind can be available on request for big game such as a wolf. Wolf hunting guides try to keep very close contact with you while you are on the stand.

Wolf Hunting Regulations on Vancouver Island

Regulations for BC Wolf Hunts | Region 1

Vancouver Island Wolf Hunting Cost

Based on the services you choose for your wolf hunting journey on Vancouver Island, the cost can be different from time to time. The services may include meals, guides, and transportation, which are offered to make your wolf hunting experience the best and most convenient hunting experience ever. By the way, the wolf hunting price starts at $6,500 per hunter.

Choose Among the Best Guide Outfitters for Wolf Hunting in BC

To experience a successful wolf hunting tour: 1- Plan for your wolf hunting in advance. 2- Choose the areas where you intend to hunt for your wolf hunting on Vancouver Island. 3- Apply for and obtain the necessary licence for wolf hunting, especially if you're not a BC resident. 4- Select the right outfitter to be by your side in a wolf hunting adventure. But why does choosing the right outfitter matter before starting a wolf hunting adventure? They provide their guests with appropriate gear and excellent and adequate scouting knowledge to ensure that every hunter involved in that wolf hunting trip would increase their wolf hunting success rate. If you want to make sure that your wolf hunting adventure on Vancouver Island is going to be the best experience ever, choosing the right outfitter is a MUST! If you need help or have any questions regarding the choice of the best outfitter, please contact us.

Vancouver Island Wolf Hunting Safety Tips

• Wolves can also kill pets if they come upon them, even though such events are infrequent. If you have a dog with you, you must keep that on a leash. • Stand tall and make yourself seem larger to scare them. • Do now not run or flip your back towards an aggressive wolf or wolves. • While facing a wolf and acting aggressively, turn away slowly and maintain eye contact if possible. • You can use air horns or other noisemakers to scare wolves. • Stand your ground if a wolf assaults you and fight with any skill feasible (use sticks, rocks, ski poles, fishing rods or anything you can find). • Climb a tree if necessary; wolves cannot climb trees.

Customize Your Hunting Trip on Vancouver Island

Duck & Goose
Snowshoe Hare
Band-tailed pigeon

Vancouver Island Wolf Hunting Common Questions and Answers

Feel Free to Share Your Stories, Comments, and Thoughts about Wolf Hunting on Vancouver Island

October 31, 2021, 09:13

How much does a wolf hunt cost?

Admin in reply Albert
November 7, 2021, 12:04

A wolf hunting tour price may start from $6500.